The Empty Cups

When you boil everything down, there are three resources that power everything we do - time, energy, money. Everything in your life is tied to any or all of these things and most of us aren't great at keeping track of how these resources are spent. Today, though, I need to focus on time and energy. Money is easy.
You can always get more money. It used to be that time and energy converted into money. There is an endless amount of money in the world. If you can think outside of the hourly/salary rate mindset, you really can get paid from all kinds of places. Money isn't real, the rules change around money at any time...but that's something for a different email.
In an earlier message I was talking about Instagram. Just like anyone else, if I'm not careful Instagram will completely drain me. I am always seeing if there is a way to turn around how I use the app so it can go from a soul-sucker to a fountain of inspiration.
Because inspiration=> energy
Beyond social media, think about how the things in your life are either filling or draining you. Consider what is on your to-do list. Is it draining to think about, much less try to actually do!?!?
Time and energy are precious, yet we - as women - give them away so freely because they are intangible and impossible to put a price on. As women we are constantly looked to as givers/nurturers. We give away time and energy because we think that is what is expected of us. When we say "NO" and try to protect our energy, we're seen as difficult and selfish.
Time is the same for everyone - we're all living under the same 24-hour clock. Your time is just as valuable as anyone else's no matter what your circumstances are. I want to treat you time as I want to treat mine. I don't care if you are some fancy-pants executive making $50K an hour or someone who spends most of their day in bed - I'm as equally considerate of your time no matter what. Honestly, more people should think this way about other people's time.
Energy is different. Just as valuable, but different. Time only goes one way, this moment is here and then it is gone. But everything in your life either gives or takes your energy. There is the energy that you use for going to the gym and your job and having fun. Then there is the energy that allows you to manage the world around you and control your mood. Spouses, kids, coworkers, friends and family will all gladly take your energy. They will take ALL your energy if you let it. Social media will drain your energy, so will the news and keeping up with gossip.
It is up to you to restore and manage your energy. No one will help you do it.You will be amazed at how energized you feel after a walk or workout. Meal prep is an energy saver - kind of life prepaid energy saved up for when you know you won't feel like cooking after a long day at work.
Protect your energy, protect your time. As for money: I've learned the less you worry about it the easier it seems to come into your life. But again: that's a post for another time.
How I protect my time and energy:
- I say no a lot!
- I make sure my most important to-do items are taken care of before I spend time and energy on others.
- If it messes with my sleep score, it's probably a no.
- I make sure others around me know what's important to me.
- Did I mention I say no a lot?
Consider this your permission slip to do the same.
I know this topic doesn't fall under the umbrella of nutrition or training, but these "life" things I talk about are just as important as macros and weights.
Thank you for having these conversations with me.
One thing I promise, you will always get more than you bargained for with me, my team and my programs.